

1000.295 .社交媒体使用程序

A. 目的

皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College (WVC) employees (including faculty, staff, hourly, students and volunteers) who use social media as a communication channel for college business are expected to know and understand the procedures and best practices associated with access to social media, particularly when the college’s computer systems, networks, 和/或员工的时间正在被使用. 学院并不试图规范员工的行为 strictly personal uses of social media which do not involve college resources or affect 大学就业.

B. 个人社交媒体账号

When identifying yourself as a 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College employee on personal social media accounts, please refer to the college’s social media guidelines for more guidance.

C. 描述

These procedures address the use of social media channels for college business including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Snapchat and TikTok由WVC及其员工开发. 公共信息办公室(PIO)团队的工作是 维护、管理和保护WVC的皇冠8868会员登录和社交媒体形象.

D. 过程的细节

皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College official social media accounts terms of use is as follows:

The college is dedicated to providing a meaningful educational experience for all of our students and values equity, diversity and inclusion within our community. 的观点 that are expressed in official departmental or program-specific accounts do not necessarily represent the college’s views, and we recognize that a thriving academic community is not possible without our students, fans, followers and friends sharing their thoughts 在官方社交媒体账号上自由交流. 确保互动 on official WVC social media accounts further meaningful dialogue, we reserve the right to monitor the conversations by removing comments and/or posts that are or contain:

  1. 攻击他人人格的评论.
  2. Content that constitutes discrimination and/or harassment toward a person on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, gender identify, genetic information, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, national origin, physical 或者精神残疾,或者性取向.
  3. 淫秽.
  4. 性或暴力内容或指向性或暴力内容的链接.
  5. 从事或鼓励非法活动.
  6. 直接、暗示或暗示的威胁或人身攻击.
  7. 扰乱教育环境的言论.
  8. Comments or hyperlinks not meaningfully related to the particular topic presented.
  9.  Repetitive posts of the same material that disrupt the normal operation of the forum.
  10. 冒充他人或无法确认的身份.
  11. 商业讯息,包括广告、征求意见和垃圾邮件.
  12. 支持或反对政治运动或投票措施.

Posts, comments, replies or any public commentary containing any of the above may 被删除. Multiple violations may result in the restriction of your ability to interact 在社交媒体或其他皇冠8868会员登录论坛上与WVC合作.

E. 对员工的总体期望

  1. 法律与学院合规性
    1. All uses of social media through WVC computer systems, networks, or using employee time shall follow applicable laws, including the statutes and rules relating to 公职道德, privacy law, intellectual property rights law and applicable social media site standards.
    2. Avoid including any personally identifiable information that is protected under the 家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA). 这包括识别号码 such as social security numbers or student IDs, addresses or phone numbers (other 而不是授权的商业地址或电话号码). 学生档案资料 不会通过社交媒体传播.
    3. 学院需要个人的许可(以书面形式) 图/媒体发布表格) whose readily identifiable images will be used to promote the college online and 在印刷出版物中.
  2. 公众活动及活动
    1. Because there is no expectation of privacy, the college does not need to obtain photo/media releases from those participating in and/or attending WVC events and activities that 对公众开放吗. 使用未成年人(17岁及以下)的可识别图像 under) is prohibited without written permission from parent or guardian.
    2. 禁止使用版权或商标信息. 任何机密的或专有的 任何性质的信息也被禁止.
  3. 大学期间社交媒体的使用与大学财产的使用
    1. Employee uses of college computers, networks, and time while at work are reserved 与学校有关的业务,经主管批准. 社交网络无关 to college business must be done on personal time using personal computers or devices 商用网络资产支持. 偶尔使用大学资源可能是 permissible if the use is brief, infrequent, and otherwise complies with the 华盛顿州公共服务道德法案.
  4. 社交媒体作为公共记录
    1. As a public institution, content published by WVC and its employees on official college social media accounts is public record and is subject to Washington State Public 记录 行动和请求.
    2. All WVC social media accounts must be archived using a third-party social media archiving 平台. 请致电 pio@dayoushengwu.net 建立你的部门或项目账户.
  5. 创建和发布内容
    1. 发布到WVC社交媒体账户的所有内容均归WVC所有. 任何发表 to a WVC social media account should be free of any copyright issues and appropriate 对于一个公共机构. 有关版权内容的问题应直接提出 到私人资料办公室.
  6. 代表学院创建和管理一个社交媒体账户
    1. To create an official college social media account and connect it to the social archiving 软件,提交请求到 pio@dayoushengwu.net.
    2. College employees (excluding student employees) may operate and maintain a social media account at a departmental level that is associated with the college provided 他们获得PIO的使用授权. 所有员工 permissions to post on official social media accounts must be named and on file with PIO办公室.
    3. The PIO must possess the passwords and administrator rights for all WVC social media accounts and must be made aware of any changes to passwords or accounts.
    4. Student 管理员: With limited exceptions, students should not be named as page 管理员.
    5. Any WVC employee who posts to social media on behalf of the college agrees to comply 与既定的 WVC品牌标准.
  7. 监控和维护
    1. The PIO reserves the right to dissolve or suspend WVC departmental level accounts if they are not actively used within six months or are not following policy and procedures.
  8. 问责制
    1. All policies and procedures are subject to the same accountability standards for the disciplinary process outlined for each employee category (faculty, classified, exempt, 小时,学生,志愿者).


